At Home DIY Beauty Hacks

At Home DIY Beauty Hacks

For a lot of us who have been staying at home have bee

Getting facials and other beauty treatments seem like a luxury that we had so long ago. But being in lockdown doesn’t have to stop us from treating ourselves. Today we want to share with you some at-home DIY masks you can easily make without having to travel to a salon. The best part? All of these ingredients are likely to be at your home already!  After all, who doesn’t want a fresh, dewy skin for all those Zoom meetings? 

Face Mask

For an ultra moisturizing effect, mix the following ingredients and leave the mask on your face for 15 minutes before rinse: 

½ Avocado* 

1 Tbsp. Honey

A handful of Oats

If you don’t happen to have avocados at home, you can also substitute with 3 Tbsp. of milk, which will help exfoliate the skin without irritation. 

Lip Mask

We often put so much focus on our face but forget that our lips need just as much attention and care as our faces. Mix the following ingredients and leave the lip mask on for about 5 minutes, then rinse: 

1 Tsp. Yogurt 

½ Tsp. Honey 

Body Scrub

For a body scrub that will leave your skin feeling refreshed and rejuvenated, try the following: 

2 Tbsp. Brown sugar 

2 Tbsp. Granulated sugar 

1 Tbsp. Fresh apple puree* 

⅛ Tsp. Ground cinnamon

Combine all ingredients and gently apply the scrub on the parts of your body that you would like to exfoliate in a circular motion, then rinse well. 

After you’ve completed all the masks, grab a hot towel and wipe off all the leftover ingredients. Make sure you follow up with a moisturizer to lock in the hydration. 

Having a facial doesn’t have to be a luxury, turn your home into a spa with these simple recipes. Turn on your Netflix and prepare for a night of relaxation! 

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